Sunday, May 07, 2006

Student Loan - Twists in MOHELA plans snag legislative action

Twists in MOHELA plans snag legislative action
Proposals being considered must be approved by both chambers today. JEFFERSON CITY The governors plan to use the profits expected from a college loan sale ran into a couple of serious glitches just one day before the states deadline for approving a final spending plan.

Durbin weighs in on rising student loan interest rates
The cost of higher education is skyrocketing and student loans won't be as much a relief as they have been before. U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill) spoke at a student town hall meeting last Thursday in SCE about the impending cuts to federal financial aid programs-cuts that could cost current and future college students thousands of dollars.

Questions raised over using MOHELA profits
JEFFERSON CITY Legislators both supporting and opposing the sale of student loans to pay for various state projects have raised questions about whether the loan board can give money to the state legislature particularly if the money will be used for projects other student loans.

SUSAN TOMPOR: Act quickly to keep rein on college loans
Now here's a gift idea for debt-burdened college grads that could have a lot more punch than a monogrammed money clip. Give that grad a gentle nudge and suggest that he or she consolidate those federally backed student loans. And make it clear they've got to do it by June 30.

High Prices Close Doors
TAMPA - You and your spouse each work 40 hours a week, earning a combined $70,000.

Sandra Block: Your Money - If you consolidate student loans before July, you can lock in lower rate
We hate to nag. Really. But if you're on track to graduate from college this spring, you should consolidate your federal student loans before July 1. And if you graduated last year but didn't get around to consolidating, do it now.

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